Municipalities and cities

You like your part of Istria and want to present it to a wider audience through an unique experience? Miss the content in your calendar of events? You found the right partner to help you create and present the story and legends typical for your area.

Istra Inspirit as an ideal partner to create experiences in storytelling and a living history manner will make your visitors’ stay at your destination enriched and unforgettable. Each destination has its own specific history, traditions, myths and legends that can be performed and presented in a creative and interesting way to the audience.

Would you like to revive the story of Jure Grandothe very first vampire that history recorded or revive the legend of how the fairies built the aamphitheatre Arena – Istria Inspirit is at your disposal as the ideal partner for converting your legends and stories into reality. As an innovative cultural and experiencial tourism product, Istria Inspirit offers to visitors of your destination, a travel through time, customs and traditions and the interpretation of tangible and intangible heritage.

In the five years of the project significant cooperation with the municipalities of Bale and Vodnjan, Medulin, Brtonigla and Vrsar were achieved and all these municipalities recognized in Istria Inspirita creative partner for the creation of cultural and tourist offer of these destinations.

We emphasize cooperation with the Municipality of Vodnjan which recognized the potential of Istra Inspirit in the creation of cultural and experiential tourism concept event celebrating the Day of the City of Vodnjan which resulted in the creation of Istra Inspirit experience: ‘Vodnjanske štorije 1’ (2015) and ‘Vodnjanske štorije 2’ (2016). Similar cooperation has been achieved with the Tourist Board of Bale, with which Istra Inspirit started cooperation on the experience of the ‘Horns or oxen? Question di corna?’ which is inspired by the strict laws of the Statute from the time of the Venetians who defended everything that does not encourage peace and economic development of the city, which sometimes was not so easy to respect or understand.

What do municipalities get by choosing Istra Inspirit?

  • Moving away from the classic tourist offer;
  • Identify and highlight the cultural specificity in your municipality;
  • Identification of the local population with cultural and historical heritage of their region;
  • Connecting multiple stakeholders for the creation of an innovative tourism product;
  • The revival of forgotten customs and traditional crafts.

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